What is Bankruptcy?
“It is the purpose of the bankrupt act…to relieve the honest debtor from the weight of oppressive indebtedness, and permit him to start afresh free from the obligations and responsibilities consequent upon business misfortunes.”
Bankruptcy is a federal legal process that can help you eliminate or restructure overwhelming financial obligations. The federal Bankruptcy Code is written by Congress and the bankruptcy laws are interpreted by the federal courts. The United States bankruptcy system provides relief to individuals who are unable to pay their debts and to assist them with gaining a financial fresh start.
Bankruptcy law is a very intricate and complex area of law that can be overwhelming for individuals to navigate. Filing for bankruptcy can have potentially serious consequences, so it is important that individuals carefully consider their options and are properly advised prior to deciding whether to file for bankruptcy.
Kapnek Law Firm will review the details of your situation to determine whether bankruptcy is a wise choice for you. We can help guide you through the process, advise you of the pitfalls in filing, and ensure that you maximize the benefit of filing.
Hundreds of thousands of people file bankruptcy every year to get a fresh start.
Reorganize your debt to make more affordable payments
Wipe out debt and begin rebuilding your credit almost immediately
Filing for bankruptcy limits creditors' ability to contact you.
If you are currently struggling to keep your head above water, it's time to take action. Please reach out to our firm today at (404) 474-3445 to set up an appointment for a confidential and complimentary case evaluation.